What we did:
  • Brand Consultation
  • Logo Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Vehicle Branding
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Landing page
  • Email Marketing

Logo Design, Brand Development & eCommerce Website

Farmers Club is a premium brand by one of our noted clients Livestock Wealth. 

It is an extremely unique, premium brand that enables people to invest in and own oxen that are then farmed, sold back for a profit and supplied back directly to the consumer as premium beef.

They’ve supplied SA’s leading retailers with over 200 tons of top-quality free range beef since April 2019 and now will also be delivering directly to the consumer.

We are extremely proud to be the team behind this huge branding project.

How we did it


Percent increase in overall business


Products sold during the ad campaign


Raving reviews written since the launch

Customer Personas


The Parent Company of Farmers Club, Livestock Wealth.

In all marketing materials the LSW logo will be featured in order to feed off the brand’s rich existence within Southern Africa’s population.


The Parent Company of Farmers Club, Livestock Wealth.

In all marketing materials the LSW logo will be featured in order to feed off the brand’s rich existence within Southern Africa’s population.

Brand Colours


C 73  M 48  Y 82  K 50

R 51  G 71  B 46

PANTONE: 5743 C / 2411 U



C 5  M 20  Y 36  K 0

R 240  G 204  B 165

PANTONE: 719 C / 719 U


Navy Blue

C 100  M 86  Y 44  K 50

R 9  G 34  B 65




Headings – Roboto Slab
Body – Montserrat

Social media management

Farmers Club is a premium brand by one of our noted clients Livestock Wealth. 

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The results

The results

Google Anaytics Results for Livestock Wealth